When Mom is sick in bed...
Everyone goes outside to play in the snow, but no one remembers to hang up their coats or put away their boots.
They eat too much cereal and drink too much coffee and leave the bowls and cups in the sink.
No one cleans up after the Dying Poinsettia. Caring for expiring plants is evidently Mom's job.
The mail piles up without Mom to sort through it.
They create chaos in their rooms...
...or innumerable Lego creations.
Without Mom to play with her, Shelby sleeps in a comfy spot on the couch.
No one folds the socks...
...but they do drink all the milk.
What's even worse than all the mess...
When Mom is sick in bed, nothing, nothing, NOTHING, gets written.
(I've missed you all and can't wait to catch up on your posts!)
You never cease to delight! Loved the blank computer screen punchline.
Feel better soon.
Get well soon pal!
Bless your heart, hang in there...
Hope you're well, and glad you're back!
x nada
I wondered where they went ???
Jimmy - Mine never leave it totally empty in the fridge. They're always careful to leave a TABLESPOON or two in there. Like, what can you possibly do with that?
Carmella - Yes, and it takes them absolutely no time to make a mess. Ten minutes or two hours - it doesn't matter.
1IM- So it was YOUR kids? Would you take them back? Now, please?
Marple - Thanks for stopping by. I wondered where you've been!
Feel Better Lisa!!!
The same thing happened here. My father wandered around leaving cups and glasses everywhere. If I hadn't been here, no laundry would have been done. My father would have tracked dirt with his muddy boots all over the house. The milk has disappeared several times this week. Etc. Etc. Very familiar.
Roger and David - Thanks for the compliment, but I don't think Erma Bombeck was ever quite this cranky.
odette - Yep, I'm thinking it's the same one. How long 'til it goes away?
angrymom - you made me laugh but you're absolutely right!
1IM - Sunday? Are you kidding me? These kids are like GOATS. Leave them here much longer and there won't be a house left!
Ardee, High Lonesome, SeattleK8, and Faith - Thank you for stopping by. I'm trying to overlook the mess and get down to writing but the brain feels scrambled.
I'm trying to consider the bright side: at least I look (a little bit) better than that poinsettia!
Get well soon.
Wait! I am off track.
Get well quick.
And my sink looks like that everyday.
Dolly - People tell me that I will one day miss the mess, but I don't believe them. I'll miss the children, not the mess! Thank you for stopping by.
It's my wife's fault. Really! It is!
p.s., do legos do asexual reproduction?
Lainey - That is funny that you thought this could be a children's book. I write kid lit in my other writing life. :)
Lisa - oh God yes - Legos, much like dirty socks, reproduce while we're sleeping.
Thank you for stopping by. I thought this one was dead and buried long ago.
Isn't it amazing that nothing gets done when mom is sick. I remember those days. Funny thing is now when my girls sick they call me to come help them at home. I always tell them "WHO HELPED ME? when I was sick." I get a "Okay Mom"