Monday, June 25, 2012

Facebook for the Feeble-Minded and Forgetful

APRIL 7, 2009 1:39PM

Facebook for the Feeble-Minded and Forgetful

RATE: 54

I’ve been having an interesting time lately reconnecting with people from my past on Facebook.  There’s nothing like reuniting with an old friend to envelop you in those warm and fuzzy memories.  In my recent Facebook experiences, however, the emphasis appears to be on the fuzzy rather than on the warm.
Being forty-something, I have officially landed in the category known as Mid-Life.  My days are a blur of working, raising children, running a business, volunteering, worrying over aging parents, and angsting over my own assorted neuroses.  In trying to keep my busy life humming along, I tend to forget some things, such as what I was doing 30 years ago and who was doing it with me. 
I’m embarrassed to admit that there are currently people listed as Friends on my Facebook page that I have no idea who they are.  It’s true.  They all claim to know me, of course, but are unable to offer enough information that I can recall interacting with them.  I can tell that we went to the same high school because it says so on their Profile page, but beyond that, they might as well be random names in the phone book.  I have absolutely no memory of these people.
While it’s true that I probably shouldn’t have friended them in the first place, it seems to me that all of us could benefit from learning a few helpful, effective ways of jogging the similarly rusty memories of our intended Friend-targets. Here are some tactics I suggest:
  • Embrace the concept of sending an introductory message along with your Friending request.  Think about it.  You’re attempting to reconnect with someone who has last seen you 20 or 30 years ago.  In my world, that’s 3 kids and 40,000 brain cells ago.  Give me some clue as to how you know me.  Take a minute and include a note reminding me of how we’re acquainted, such as “Remember the time we let the gerbil loose in the band room and it got stuck inside Steve’s tuba?”

  • Don’t just say that we went to high school together.  Telling me that we went to high school together is like saying that we both lived on Planet Earth together.  Isn’t there something more specific about you that you could share?  Did we have friends in common?  Were we in a club together?  Did you steal my boyfriend?  Be specific!

  • Be realistic.  In your note, include something other than we had math class together in 7th grade.  I know, I know...7th grade math class is a specific detail.  At my age, though, I’m lucky I can remember how to domath, let alone remember who sat next to me in math class.  Information such as this is not even remotely helpful to me.  Telling me that you used to copy off of my paper in math class is infinitely better and has the added bonus of making me feel sorry for causing you to flunk math.

  • Do not ask if you and I used to date.   I might not remember what I ate for breakfast, but I promise you that I remember every single person I’ve ever dated.  If you honestly can’t remember whether or not you’ve dated someone, then your memory is worse than mine and you probably shouldn’t be trusted to drive or dress yourself.  Besides, if you can’t remember if you dated me or not, then you definitely didn’t.  For no other reason, my dysfunctional family would have left an impression on you even if you found me totally forgettable. 

  • Volunteer a few details from your own life.  Please do not simply send me a message asking me how I’m doing.  Share some details from your own life so I can figure out who you are.  I have this middle-aged affliction called CRS: Can’t Remember Shit.  I have trouble remembering my phone number half the time.  Don’t expect me to remember who you are simply from your name.

  • Women, please tell me your maiden name.  Some people still look very much like they did in high school.  Others look dramatically different wearing their middle-aged faces.  Add a change of hair color to the mix, a few pounds, or the addition of eyeglasses, and you’d be good to go for the Witness Protection Program.  Save us both some time and brain cells by telling me your maiden name when you initially message me.

  • Wait to Friend people until you’ve added your photo.   Unless your name in high school was Britney Spears or Orlando Bloom, chances are I’m going to have a tough time figuring out if I know you.  Being able to see your picture makes the task of searching my memory banks much easier.  If your picture happens to be of your cocker spaniel or your favorite shoes, then be warned:  I’m going to need a whole lot more information from you.

  • Don’t write personal stuff – yours or mine -- on my Facebook Wall.  If you wouldn’t want your mom, or my kids, to see it, don’t write it on my Wall.  That time you thought you had herpes and it turned out to be eczema might be hysterically funny to you, but information like that belongs in a private message, not on my Wall.

  • If I tell you that I don’t know you, please don’t insist that I do. Once in a while, I’ll get a Friend Request from someone that I truly do not know.  This is different from merely forgetting that I know them; this person is a bonafide, I’ve-never-seen-you-before-in-my-life stranger.  No matter how many times you insist that we were best friends in 5th grade, if you lived in one state and I lived in another, I’m going to have to break the news to you that you’re mistaken.  When I do, please do not tell me I’m wrong.  I might not remember this information when I’m 50 or 60, but for right now, I still remember where I used to live and when.

  • If you want to suggest a Friend for me, tell me why.   Items #1 through #9 apply for people you are referring to me, also.  Don’t put me in the awkward situation of being asked to confirm someone as a friend when I have no idea who they are.  Message me about it first and tell me how I should know this person.  Don’t let me discover too late that this is the person we convicted and sent to prison during that jury duty stint we did together. 

So there you have it; Facebook etiquette for the forgetful and feeble-minded. Now does anyone happen to have a tutorial for all of those Facebook memes and quizzes?  I need to learn how to play Mob Wars. 

blogspot visitor


Very funny. Because I am on facebook and my younger sister is not, I not only get my old classmates but an endless strew of hers. I have no idea who these people are and they keep giving me messages to pass onto my sister as if I don't already have enough messages for teachers, co-workers, etc to keep straight in my head. There are touching moments though. One of the campers from my very first summer as a counselor found me recently and told me I have always been her favorite. Sigh. She was 8 when I knew her. Pregnant with her 4th right now. Had to get my bifocals to read her message!
I am one of the worst Facebookers (is that a word?). I forget to check it and never look for people and when I do check it I feel like a "social" moron because I've missed the party.
So true. And the quizzes and memes would be a whole 'nother post. Maybe pages long. Did you see all the stuff that was written on 25 Things? It was crazy!

And Lol at JK
Very funny. I am new to facebook also. And a little surprised/ bothered by the amount of time some people seem to spend on it.

I was recently requested as a friend to a guy I knew in college who ate only french fries (literally). I barely knew the guy. But I "friended" him, and I haven't left a message for him - mainly because the only one I can think of is "do you eat anything besides french fries?"
that whole Facebook Friend thing kerflummoxes me. I mean, some of the people requesting to Friend me, I don't know or haven't even met, they just know someone who knows me!! What's up with that? Doesn't that make my Facebook page like Days Of Our Lives, or something (maybe Days of Her Life) - they can peek in and watch for awhile, then change the channel? why would I want to provide people I don't know with access to me like that?I guess Facebook is a boon to those who really like a lot of attention and don't care who they get it from...but it feels a little like, well, high school.
Last night at the bar, me and another late 20s childless friend were talking about being Facebook friended by people you haven't seen since high school, and said people still live in your crappy hometown and have five kids.

The consensus was that such Facebook friends make you feel like an absolute success and a horrible failure at the same time.

I got friended by my mortal enemy from the third grade, whom I have not seen or thought about since she moved to Florida when we were eight. She wanted to know if I still drew horses all the time. Well, 1.) I'd completely forgotten that I used to get in trouble for drawing horses all over my notebooks during class and 2.) uh, no, because I'm no longer an eight-year-old girl.
I don't think we dated, but once you let me borrow your dictionary and a tampon ... GAWD ~ I can't believe you don't remember me??? WTF???

Looks like I'm not the only one with puzzling Facebook experiences.

JK - You really can't remember who you dated? You were obviously more popular than I. And no, you don't sound bitter...much. :)

mamoore - That must be sweet having camp kids look you up. How annoying with the people who want you to pass messages to your sister. That would make me cranky for sure.

Marcelle - I think the Facebook party goes on whethere we're there or not!

Stellaa - I'm glad I'm not the only one!

JustJuli - Oh those quizzes...they're getting a bit edgier, but gosh, can someone give these people a spellchecker? The typos in the quizzes drive me insane.

LandP - I'm laughing at the suggestion that your dog has a better social life than you do. :)
Denise - Bwahaha! The thing with the french fries just shows how these people become trapped in our memories exactly how they were (which makes me want to put a disclaimer on my page: I am NOT the dork you remember!)

Sandra - I enjoy interacting with the people I actually know, but these oddball ones that come out of nowhere really make me nuts.

Leeandra - Gah! I can't even remember third grade, let alone who was my mortal enemy! Treasure your twenties while you're still in them. It's all downhill after that. The drawing horses question is too funny.

Ann - YES! That's exactly what I mean! Do these people really have better memories than I do? And a different definition of what a "friend" is?
I'm not on Facebook and I don't Tweet. What should I do?
Oh nooooooo ... that wasn't it ... it wasn't the dictionary ... you passed me a joint at a Blue Oyster Cult concert ... I remember now ... and then you got on stage and played the cowbell! What do you mean you never played cowbell for BOC? You haven't changed at all!!!

Ha, ha - we must have been writing our facebook blogs and posting at the same time. Too bad you didn't write your blog a couple months ago but then maybe I wouldn't have had material to write my blog, if I had followed your rules. Did you follow that?! Your blog is a really funny and well thought out, and expressed with humor post. Congrats! I feel honored having our posts presented together. Rated for a funny facebook analysis.
Whoever I let talk me into joining is going to pay big time...I am pretty sure it was someone I know...err-r-r knew sometime.

If 45 is middle aged I may have to rethink my position!

Rated for truthfulness and humor.
This spoke to me on so many levels. I had a guy asking me if I remembered what I wrote in his yearbook! Okay, this was 28 years ago, Bub; you might have some fond memories of me and my penmanship but you've obviously gained at least 40 pounds and I don't recognize your ass. All I know is that we went to the same high school because FB says so. Criminy. I'm not sure if i was all that memorable to him or if I lost more brain cells than he did (I do drink more than most people seem to, is that wrong?)

Anyway, great post, wish I had thought of it first.
I've been on facebook for a while but don't do much there. I mostly ignore all the stupid, and i mean stooopid, requests i get.

mrs. cap'n laughed at my sister and others who are way into it. then she finally signed up and now is constantly playing at farming or fishing.

i'll tell something to someone i know and they'll say, "i know, I saw mrs. cap'ns facebook status." how irritating.

now she wants me to start playing facebook games. are you kidding me? i already can't afford the time i waste on OS!
Oh Lisa. I so understand this. If people want to be my friend, I automatically say yes, because I assume they know me and I just don't remember them because I'm terrible with names. For all I know, I'm now friends with some Nigerian banker who needs to transfer money into my account right now before the bad guys knock down his door.
Rated. I've been very careful with whom I have asked to be reacquainted and those who have asked me. And all the ladies from my schools have their maiden names which is MOST important after 25 years.
I don't have a facebook page Lisa. Do you think I need one. You don't reach midlife until 50. Your just a young chick. Enjoy it.
great post--i posted something about this a few weeks ago, and in my case, even AFTER sending them an email saying that i didn't remember them, they sent me back an email with details about our times together...of which i STILL had no recollection...rated for CRS
I am a reluctant Facebook user. My Spousal Unit insisted I could connect with some of my friends better this way, so I try. But good lord, I'm terrible at it. I don't Friend people, or Unfriend people and can't remember anyone. And I'm 24. Does this mean it all goes downhill from here?
Back when Friends Reunited was briefly the site everybody was signing up to, I had to confront my own inability to recollect half of the people I apparently went to school with. Previously, if asked, I would have confidently asserted that I remembered everyone from my high school classes. I can picture whole classrooms, filled with familiar faces, all of which I can put a name to. But then all these strangers started appearing on my year's page, claiming to have been in the same classes as me. The first couple of times it happened, I just assumed they had accidentally signed up for the wrong year, or even the wrong school. But after the third or fourth total stranger popped up talking about teachers or events I recalled, I had to admit, I had clearly forgotten whole swathes of my classmates. Luckily, none of them have tried to befriend me on Facebook yet. Probably because they have forgotten me, too!
I recently got in a little argument with a friend on facebook. One of his girlfriends friended me and I said yes because I thought she was someone else. Then after a few odd communications, after which I figured out that he and she were on the outs, I unfriended her. That appeared to be okay with him. It flustered me though. I don't want stray people to be able to see pictures of my grandchildren.

Then another of his female friends wanted to friend me and I didn't friend her back, and for some reason he (my friend) got mad at me, suggesting I was UNfriendly, or elitist or something. He asked why I was on a social networking site if I wasn't going to friend people. He also said it was ridiculous of me to try to 'control' my exposure on such a site and suggested that I drop my facebook account.

I was truly confused. I mean I thought that at 51 I had maybe become ancient.

I feel a lot less socially awkward after reading your post and these comments. Thanks.

I am lucky..... if someone friends me, I ask another friend, or my sister: Who IS this person????? Then, I decide Yes or No. I hve no problem ignoring people. I do it all the time. People try to friend me who I just don't want to friend. So I don't. That is what is wonderful about getting older. The forgetting part? Not so much. But the saying "no" is great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
you rock.

worse is when they totally remember details about you and say, I remember you sat next to me in band, you lived here & did this, and you still have NO IDEA who they are. Or only a kinda/sorta/vague idea.
This is freaking Hilarious!! I know what you mean I had a few people from high school find me on different web sites and befriended me.. I have no idea who the hell they are.. and I am afraid to ask because I probably don't want to know how they know me or what we did..LOL
Great post very enjoyable.
And this is why I will never go on Facebook.

An absolutely priceless post, Lisa. Truly funny and deadly accurate.
Lea - Well, you can join Facebook and commiserate with all of us, or you can simply enjoy your friends the regular (and less confusing) way. :)

Ann - Aw, yes. BOC. There's never enough cowbell.

JK - Careful! Your bitter is showing again.

Leonde - Thanks for stopping by! I'm pleased to be sharing some cover space (and a brain!) with you today as well. I guess both of our muses today were pondering Facebook today.

Buffy - :)

Lauren - I can't tell you how happy I am to learn that these types of encounters on Facebook don't just happen to me.

Cap'n - I hear you about the games. It's probably just me, but I really don't get them. I tried to do the farm one once and I couldn't figure it out. Talk about a blow to the ego!

FLW - Oh, you had me cracking up! Glad to know I'm not the only one who's friended someone I didn't know simply because they knew me.
As a Brit, I've long been registered on This has re-connected me with a few people from HS and college, but one encounter was quite cringeworthy. This girl got in touch to say we had been at HS together, and clearly remembered me. I had not a f***ing clue who she was. When I confessed I couldn't put a face to the name I got an extremely huffy response. Then I remembered this party... I hope I never bump into her in the street when I visit.
Excellent. Except for..."40,000 brain cells ago."

That was, like, breakfast.

Good stuff.
KOB - Sounds like you're doing a better job than I am!

OES - There you go again, making me feel young. You don't need a Facebook page, but if you had one, you, me, and the other crazyflakes could all hang out together. Wheee!

MrComedy - Oh, yeah - that's happened to me too. The CRS is brutal on Facebook.

Ash - Yes. Yes, it does. Buy your Sticky Notes and Gingko Biloba now. :)

Carolyn - Ha ha! The good thing is that all of your classmates are no doubt experiencing the same lapses in memory as you are.

Denese - No way are you 51! Don't feel socially awkward. You've got LOTS of company.
Lisa, I always know I'm going to laugh out loud at some point while reading your comedy posts, and this time, it was, "the added bonus of making me feel sorry for causing you to flunk math."

You've only lost 40,000 brain cells since HS?
Lisa SW- You are a better woman than me. I've learned how to say "No" so much better than when I was younger but I haven't quite mastered the art of the Facebook "No" yet.

Lisa (lps) - Yes! You've just described the ultimate Facebook nightmare.

fireeyes - Oh, yes; that's another hazard. Finding out how people know you when it's something that's better off forgotten (yikes!)

m.a.h. - You sure you don't want to wade into the craziness? Thanks for stopping by and for your kind words.

GeeBee - Uh-oh! I feel for your mistake, but thanks for the chuckle you gave me while reading it.

rstiene - I think you might have a few more brain cells than I do. :) Thanks for stopping by and leaving such a nice compliment.
Annette - Thanks for stopping by. I'm glad that I could make you laugh.
Hilarious and all too true. The perfect FB How-To. I'm off to post this on my Facebook page, if you don't mind.
These are great tips, Lisa. I'm not too far removed from high school, but I have noticed that I'm Facebook friends with people from high school who I barely talked to. I could run over some of them in town and wouldn't be able to remember their names.

It's easier to be e-friendly.
Sally - Wow, you really want to post it on your Facebook page? I'd be thrilled and honored! Thanks. :)

WriterAdam - So the Facebook amnesia isn't just a middle-aged affliction? Your "e-friendly" term is a keeper.
Forget Mob Wars. Playing Scrabble on the FB is where it's at.

Say, wanna play Scrabble?
Lisa, this is SO funny! However, I think the true Facebook users (my kids) basically friend anybody who asks, whether they know them in so-called "real life" or not.
I just check to make sure they don't have any outstanding warrants. Then I say sure. Standards? What are those?
I feel that requesting and receiving friends on Facebook is definitely a fun way of keeping in touch with many...even if it is simple and shallow. I can't help but wonder if a number of people on Facebook are running a popularity contest among themselves to see who has the most "friends." When I see numbers around 900, it verifies my haunch. How can anyone know that many people...let along consider them, "friends?" High school once again.
You should actually post this on Facebook and see if you can make this thing go viral. It will be like that old shampoo commercial where you tell 100 friends, they tell 100 friends and so on and so on. Wait until you see who friends you after that! Rated.
Here's another tip: Don't friend someone just because they have the same name as you because chances are they are way crazier than you are. And then people like Lonnie Lazar with think that you have multiple personalities that like to taunt him with the same name.

Yeah, it happened to me. Sorry again Lonnie where ever you are!
I love a good manual! (And this one should come w/every Facebook subscription). Seriously funny stuff, Lisa. Once again.
Gus - Scrabble is probably a better game for me than Mob Wars. At least I know how to play it in real life.

Faith - I think you're right. Who on earth has 600 friends when they're 18?

Monique - You are witty, girl! I nearly bust a gut laughing from the "outstanding warrant" comment. Ha!

Patricia - I agree. Some people must just friend people indiscriminately in an effort to appear popular. Either that or they want to collect a whole lot of potted plants and Easter eggs (the Facebook "gifts.")

Cartouche - I'm thinking of putting it on my Facebook page. Maybe it will convince those people on my friends list whom I don't know to come clean.

Jess - Oh my. Really? Did that really happen? Too funny!

David - Thank you for always being so kind and supportive. :)
Great post, Lisa. I don't have my maiden name on FB. I don't talk in real life with folks I went to high school and have been to a couple of reunions. These people and I have nothing in common. One good thing about FB is that you can remove someone from your "friend" list without them knowing. Also, you can click something and they become mute on your page. Love the tweaks.
Love this. Also (maybe another commenter has mentioned this): If I "ignore" your friend request twice, please don't keep trying. Either I don't know you, I never liked you, or I don't like you any more. And you probably know why. Knock it off.

There is a 'block' function. I know, 'cause I used it.
Julie - I forgot about those little tweaks on FB. Thanks!

Siobhan - Some people are insistent, aren't they?
I actually have a couple of "friends" that I don't know. Funny thing is, one of the guys I actually feel like I do know now. The Internets iz weerd.
angrymom - That's too funny! You've become friendly with people you previously didn't know. The internet has taken everything we've ever learned about socializing and thrown it out the window. It's a brand new game now.
Raising your rating to an even 50 is especially rewarding. Great piece. Here's my take on Facebook:
Well, I was 51 but I somehow don't feel less special.

Anyway, thank for posting this. I don't do it but if I were to give in and do it - I will use this as my primer.

I always enjoy your posts.
i love this, ssweetheart. sorry for it taking me so long to get here. i had to have my small breakdown first. love CRS, love all the suggestions, feel appropriately horrified at what this must be like. i've never been on facebook. don't even understand what it's all about except that you keep in touch with your family (Argggghhhh!) and people from high school and such can find you. (iiiicccckkk). and iv'e changed my name completely so it's guaranteed that people would think they know me, your nightmare, and that they do not.

shit, i don't even know what a meme is. or what meta means. or bump. i tried twitter and couldn't figure out what was good about it. i didn't need to know about every meal that ana marie cox had or every guest that rachel maddow had booked. must have done it wrong.

btw, sweets, you got 811 views on a post you thought was ignored. and an EP. that's nothing i would sneeze at. i know i know, it's all relative. love love love
Hmmm...did I just think that I responded to the three of you or did the OS goblins eat my reply?

Steve - Thanks for the even 50! I read and enjoyed your Facebook piece very much. Thanks for stopping by.

Duane - 51 is no less special. I appreciate you stopping by to read and comment.

Teddy - I appreciate that you took the time to read this piece since you're not even on Facebook. Thank you!
Steph - I feel for your husband. It IS anxiety-producing when you simply cannot remember who a person is, especially if they seem to know who you are. At least most of us are in the same predicament, memory-wise!
Wow, I'm new to your comment party, but was led here by your comment on my post and I'm glad I came!

FB has been a blast for me (age 43). My sister (age 56) says it's sooo "egotistical" posting little things like, "Going to the store in the rain!!! Say a little prayer for me!!!!" or "Making pork chops and gravy for dinner!!!!!"

While I DO think that exclamation points are extremely overused on ALL of FB (!!!), I don't see the egotistical part. If you do something purely for your own enjoyment, is that egotistical? Boring yes ( my friend who posts every Fri that she's "so glad Rob is home" and every Mon that she's "so sad that Rob is gone." Yawn.), cliche'd, yes, trite ("I'll be praying for you" but that's a nice, supportive trite)....egotistical? No.

Whaddaya think?
Hi Betsey - It's so nice to see you here! Facebook egotistical? It might be, given that we share so many (often uninspiring) details of our daily lives, but for the most part, I think it's fun. I enjoy being able to reconnect with friends of whom I'd otherwise lose track. I'll admit that I get tired of people using the same statuses over and over again, but I do enjoy reading what other people are making for dinner. Coming up with exciting meals can be such a grind. :)
(Originally Posted On Open Salon - Editor's Pick)

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