Monday, June 25, 2012

Buried Treasures: Good Stuff You've Missed on OS

DECEMBER 20, 2008 9:42PM

Buried Treasures: Good Stuff You've Missed on OS UPDATED!

RATE: 26
You know how it is.  You write the words, putting your heart and soul into them.  You check for typos, proofread again, and then once more.  You preview your beautiful post-baby, and then hit that "publish" button, sending your pride and joy out into the Open Salon world.  You wait, certain that the masses will come to read.  Sometimes they do but sometimes your post-baby drops off the feed faster than water off a just-waxed car.  I know that we're all supposed to write for the sheer joy of it, but I doubt anyone will argue that it feels a whole lot better to have an audience.
Here is a small sample of posts I've found that I feel deserve a bigger audience.   These posts might not represent your readership tastes, so I invite you to add to the list as you come across interesting ones.  If this works out, I'd like to make it a weekly effort.

angrymom - "Thank You Baby Ghee-shush"
Sarah O'Leary - "Rampons!"
rosietherioter - "Droolian and the giant quarter"
M B - "Your Loving Son, B"
The Gene Pool - "Santa in the Gene Pool"
Catamitebastard - "The Christmas Boxes: No, I Didn't Cry Right Then"
Gayle Mattern - "Grandpa Proves the Existence of Santa Claus"
ardee - "The Curse of the Oldest Child"
MoniqueC - "Eyeballs Under the Couch"
Evan Kessler - "Armed to the Feet"
Nada Holland - "Bawds without Borders: Amsterdam Whores go Global"
12/21/08:  Another addition:
 Lady Gray:  "In Disguise"
12/21/08:  Some additions, with many thanks to Cartouche:
John Guzlowski: “Heaven”

Dorinda Fox: “So They Know About Mom”

The ranting boomer:  "Public Hanging in America"
Sandra Miller: “Going to Extremes”

Dorelvis: “Hormonal Ravings of a Lunatic Spinster:”

Jimmymac:  "Shaving with Connie Francis Chapter 2"
rijaxn:  "I was 50; she was only 8, but I fell in love with her"
idahospud44:  "Blackie's Wino Christmas..."


Thanks Lisa. I have read some of these, and now will check the others when I can.
rated for thinking of others
kudos, these are people I read often Lisa. Great choices and wonderful gesture.

Thank you, it is impossible to keep up with the posts. This helps.
Thanks! I'll go take a look at some of these I may have missed.
This is so thoughtful of you Lisa. I am going to check these out.
Thanks, Lisa. I've read some and agree regarding their value. Will catch up on the rest.
Thanks for these, I've only read one of them already :) so this will be a fun night!
Thanks, Lisa- I appreciate it, and I'll have fun reading the others.
Perfect idea, Lisa. Randy Smith has been promoting something similar on a regular basis that we were going to brainstorm after the holidays. This is just great. We can see how this seminal idea of yours goes over. It needs to be done and I thank you for doing it.

Great idea, I much admire your team spirit Lisa!
Thanks Lisa! Rosie is a favorite of mine. She's hilarious. And I've been meaning to go to Catamite's site, I like his comments, but haven't been able to squeeze it in.
I guess I no longer have an excuse.
This is very thoughtful Lisa. May I make a suggestion? Everyone certainly needs validation. Actually, it is kind of unbelievable how much we need that. :0 But, if we all took the time to visit those who visit and comment on our blogs, I think most everyone here would get read. I know most of us have our favorites, but sometimes I find the best treasures and new writers just by visiting someone off one of my blogs and it's never even been commented on or even rated! Anywho, thank you for taking the time to share these. :)
Thanks for building a great Sunday morning reading list!
Lisa, Thanks for the mentioned. I'm humbled by it and touched by your generosity :).
**NOTE: UPDATED TO INCLUDE NADAHOLLAND*** I inadvertently omitted her post.

Umbrella and Grif - I hope that you discover some new gems among these.

Greg - You get around OS quite a bit. Are there any posts that you'd like to recommend for inclusion?

trishhelen - I'm pleased to meet you! I will check out your blog as well.

Monique, M B, Jimmy, hyblaen, and Gayle - Thank you! I appreciate your efforts in spreading the reading love around.

Monte - Ideally, for this project to work, we'll need many different contributors. Not all of us read the same genres of writing so it would be helpful to have people that contribute political posts, some to contribute travel ones, others to contribute family ones, etc. Maybe we can form a network? I'll have to visit Randy and see what he thinks. My thought is that we're all reading anyway; why not make note of posts that we think are great but aren't getting the ratings or comments and let others know about them? Thank you for your support and encouragement. :)

Nada - thank you!

Michael - Check out Catamite now. Go on, I'll wait. I think you'll really enjoy him.

Screamin' Mama - You are absolutely right: if everyone took time to read the blogs of the people who comment at their blogs, everyone would get read. What goes around, comes around, and everyone benefits. Thank you so much for supporting this effort and for your thoughtful comment.

Cat - I'm happy to help with your reading list. You need a day off to relax!

Sarah - it's my pleasure. :)

Everyone - Thank you for helping with this effort. If there are great posts that you find that I've missed, even if they're yours, please let me know or post the link here in the comments.
Thank you, Lisa! And thank you for your kind heart.
I doubt whether other sites get this kind of generosity to others.
Will read!
O'Stephanie - OS is truly a special place. I'm just paying it forward. :)

JL - Thank you!
I'm just a guppy to these waters, and I recently had the pleasure of being recognized in a similar fashion. So I know just how tingly it makes the individual feel (on the inside), thank you for refreshing my memory. I'll definitely be curling up to my computer for a reading frenzy.
Randy - Thank you for stopping by. Monte said you had a similar idea? Maybe we can help each other.

Lady Gray - I'm so happy to see you here! You might want to recommend one of your own posts for inclusion so that everyone can get to know you better. You picked a good time to stop and read: I've just updated the list with some new additions. I hope you enjoy them.
Lady Gray - In case you don't get back here, I selected one of yours that I like. You're welcome to suggest another one though.
Thanks Lisa - honored to be in such good company.
Lisa, you are awesome! Thanks for flogging other people's blogs!
I made a point to read each and every one of these posts today. They are funny, poignant, painful and telling. But each one is a wonderful read. Rated for you putting others first. We should take turns doing this once every week or ten days so that different readers find their way to different writers. I'm in!
(Originally Posted On Open salon)

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