Monday, June 25, 2012

They Can Have Shelby!

NOVEMBER 7, 2008 10:36AM

They Can Have Shelby!


It would be perfect.  The Obama girls are looking for a puppy.  Shelby still behaves like a puppy.  In fact, Miniature Schnauzers remain puppy-like until they are about three years old.  Shelby is only a year and a half.

They need a dog that doesn’t shed because of Malia’s allergies.  Shelby doesn’t shed and she doesn’t have that doggy-smell either.

They’ll need protection at the White House from all of the crazy flakes out there.  With Madame Cujo, I mean Shelby, around, no one would dare mess with them.

There will be many photo opportunities for the new First Family.  Shelby is naturally photogenic.  She’d be perfect for idyllic White House Christmas photos and assorted press photo-ops (just don’t let the photographers get too close.  She thinks Barney was right to bite that photog yesterday.)

Since they’ll be living in the mother of all historic homes, they can’t have a new puppy peeing and pooping all over the pricey Federal furnishings.  Shelby would be perfect since she is completely housetrained.

Shelby is great around kids.  Adults?  Not so much.  However, Obama has had so much practice dealing with rabid hateful people, befriending Shelby (who isn’t nearly as hateful and certainly not rabid) will be easy.

Obama wouldn’t want to support a puppy mill so taking a dog that is already here would show that he is socially responsible.  Shelby didn’t come from a puppy mill so that makes her even more ideal as a choice.

I would miss Shelby but I am an American and a real one at that (no matter what Sarah Palin tells you).  In a gesture of unselfish service to my country, I am willing to make the ultimate difficult (OK, a somewhat difficult) sacrifice by giving Shelby to the Obama girls. 

Shelby as First Dog:  I just hope all the fame doesn’t go to her head.

Shelby - couldn't you just see her as First Dog? 


Lisa he's cute but he also looks gruff and a bit scary; but I bet the Obama girls could brng out the best in him
A lovely choice for the White House ... I just hope she has better table manners than Gracie!
I'm likin' that crazed look in his eyes. Looks kinda like my grandfather - only Shelby is probably better house trained.

Screw the Obama kids - Shelby looks like a keeper.
I love the pic of Shelby! She really looks like she would be a dog NOT to mess with!! No doubt Malia and Sasha would be safe with her!
(Originally Posted On Open Salon - Editor's Pick)

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