Monday, June 25, 2012

Don't Axe, Don't Tell

FEBRUARY 4, 2010 8:07AM

Don't Axe, Don't Tell

RATE: 54

Evan was worried about something.  He stayed near me in the kitchen as I prepared his lunch for school, silently tracing the floor tiles with his big toe:  over, down, across, and up.  His silence was uncharacteristic.  Normally, he’d be chatting away breathlessly, bursting with tales from his 9-year-old life. 
            “What’s up Evan?  You seem worried,” I asked.
Evan stopped tracing the floor tiles with his toe, seemingly relieved that I broached the matter of his concern.
            “I…I can’t tell you,” he hesitated.  “It’s something about Ryan and he’ll kill me if I tell you.”
Knowing that Evan is unable to keep a secret of any kind for any length of time, I knew that sooner or later, I’d have the dirt on whatever deed my youngest son was covering up for his oldest brother.  I’ll ask him a few questions, and he’ll break wide open like a piñata at a birthday party.
            “Is it something dangerous?”  I questioned, anxious to unravel the mystery before the school bus was due to arrive.
            “What do you mean dangerous?”
            “I mean, is it something that can harm his, or someone else’s, health?”
            “Yes!  It’s something that can harm someone’s health.  It’s something I found in Ryan’s car.”
My mind raced with the possible misdeeds in which a 19-year-old might engage and then leave evidence afterward in his car. 
I remembered that an old girlfriend of Ryan’s had left a pack of cigarettes in his car.  Maybe Ryan didn’t throw them out yet and Evan saw them.
            “Is it a pack of cigarettes?”
            “Nope, no cigarettes.  But I can’t tell you what it is because Ryan will kill me.  That would be harmful to my health.”  Evan giggled at his own joke.
I tousled Evan’s hair.  “Ryan’s not going to kill you.  Besides, I can’t imagine that Ryan would have something dangerous in his car.”
            “He does!  You’re going to kill him when you find out and then he’s going to kill me for telling you.”
            “Well, what if you tell me and then I go find it myself later in Ryan’s car? Then he won’t know you told me.”
            “I don’t know…”   Clearly I was wearing the boy down.
            “Ok, ok.  Is it a beer bottle? “
            “It’s not a beer bottle?  What is it then?  Is it girls’ underwear?”
            “Ew!  Girls’ underwear?  No.  It’s worse than that.”
            “Worse?  What could be worse than cigarettes, a beer bottle, or girls’ underwear in Ryan’s car?”  Now I was really concerned.  Was it drug paraphernalia, and if so, how did Evan recognize what it was?  How do I ask Evan about drugs when he probably doesn’t know what they are yet?  An awful thought hit me.  What if the thing in Ryan’s car is a weapon?
            “Evan honey,” I began, as calmly as possible.  “Is it a gun?  Does Ryan have a gun in his car?”
            “No, Mom.  Ryan doesn’t have a gun in his car.” 
No gun.  This should have made me feel better, but it didn’t.  I still didn’t know what was in Ryan’s car that was so harmful.  I could feel myself starting to panic as I tried to think of all of the things that could possibly be worse than a gun.  I couldn’t think of anything.
            “You’ve got to tell me, Evan.  If it’s something that bad, I need to know before Ryan hurts himself or someone else.”
            “Do you promise you won’t tell him I told you?”
            “I pinky-swear promise I will not tell him you told me.  Now what is it that Ryan has in his car that’s so dangerous to his health?”
            “It’s not dangerous to Ryan’s health, Mom.  It’s dangerous to yourhealth.” 
Now I was really freaked out.  Was my own son plotting to kill me?  Did Evan find rat poison or some other toxin in Ryan’s car with a note attached:  to be used for killing Mom?
            “Alright Evan, this is serious.  You’ve got to tell me right this minute. What on earth is in Ryan’s car?”
At last, Evan was going to break.  He stood up tall on his tippy toes to reach my ear.  With a cupped hand, he shielded the secret he whispered in my ear.
He was right.  This thing in Ryan’s car was terrible.  It was nasty.  It was hazardous to a person’s health.  It was something that I thought was absent from our lives for good.  Apparently I was wrong.
            “Ryan has a can of Axe in his car.”

Axe body spray.  Now that is truly terrifying.

(For those unfamiliar with the Axe back-story and why it strikes us with fear, you can read about it here.)

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Ha! As soon as I read the title I remembered your other post. Poor old Evan, such torn loyalties, just trying to protect his mom from sure torture. Our 11-yr-old is still just experimenting with deodorant and bodywash but I'm keeping my eyes open for signs that he's going overboard.
The little ones are always so earnest with their concerns! But now I'm worried for you too, Lisa.

On the other hand, maybe he's just using it as an air freshener for his car :)
I had not idea that "Axe" was so nasty. I grew up in the era of Old Spice, English Leather, and Jade East... which was pretty nasty too. Very funny!
But did it have a note on it, "to be used for killing Mom?"
I don't know. Perhaps your son is plotting to kill you with Axe Body Spray. Be careful!
It could be worse. It could be Drakkar Noir. Count your blessings.
Axe body spray is the gateway to girl's underpants.
Looks like you've got another axe to grind with your son, Lisa. I know what it feels like - having taught in windowless 'modern' classrooms with 30 teens who wore various, strong scents every day. Tough, insane, makes almost an 'axe murderer' of one!
As the buildup began, I wondered if it might lead back to the body spray . . . at least he's keeping it in the car, though . . .
Lisa, I missed the earlier post and swallowed this one hook, line and sinker. I'm thinking of providing Ryan AND Evan with a lifetime supply of AXE so I can exact revenge on you.

They could have sprayed him with Hai Karate or Canoe.
Thanks for the morning laugh!
I thought it was going to be a package of Twinkies!
It IS a weapon, of sorts. Hilarious!
Dear Lord, we are raising the same kid. There was a great article in the "Style" section of last Sunday's NY Times about the Axe-love of young men. This is funnier, though.
Let this be a lesson to you, mom!! If the worst you have to worry about is Axe in the car, life is good.
That is too funny, I was actually going to write to you about teens in general, don't ask, don't tell. R for the funny Lisa.
Dangerously funny, Lisa
Thankfully I remember your Axe story well, so I was grinning the whole time reading this just knowing it was going to be great ending. Of course, it was! Nasty, nasty Axe!!!
Evan is going to get you someday, Lisa, the interrogator . You can bet on that! Oh, the horror, Axe. Are young women flopped out on your driveway yet?
Yes. I'm pretty sure Axe has taken at least 5 years off of my lifespan. No matter where I "move" it, he always seems to have a new can. Do they just hand them out to teenagers?
I went back and read the earlier post, too. Egad.

Stay safe, Lisa.
Hilarious, Lisa! I went back and read the first part too. Axe must be laced with pheromones that are only attractive to teenaged boys. Not to the girls they're trying to attract, or to any other human... Great read!
Hee-hee. That's hilarious. Thanks!
You're going to have to deliver the lecture on the dangers of Axing and driving!
I guess as long as he is keeping it in the car and you haven't been overwhelmed at home you should be safe.
Thank you all for stopping by. Evan really had me worried about whatever was in Ryan's car. When I finally learned that it was a can of Axe, yet Evan had been so somber and serious about it, it was just too funny to not write about. :)
OMG! Call Homeland Security (as a friend of mine would say.) Hilarious!

(Good gawd that stuff is awful. What ever happened to good old Old Spice, Williams Electric Spray, and - damn, what was that other stuff?)
Lisa, I work for a 50-something-year-old man who wears the stuff. And keeps a can of it in the bathroom at work.

This is so sweet and funny.
I love it! At the church house the other day, my husband and I tried to, umm, steal enough of the neighbor's wireless to watch the simulcast of the KU/Kansas State basketball game, and the whole thing was accompanied by flashes of the Axe ad.

Then the Internet froze with about 15 seconds left and the score tied, which I suppose are the wages of sin.
I recommend inpatient rehab. It kills me to see Ryan circling the drain. My condolences. Let me know if I can help. (By the way, I didn't own a car until I was 28. Just saying.)
Lisa, great writing. As was your September post I just read. Sorry to be sooooooo dense, but is this deodorant or a suntan spray. That Chocolate post has me confused about exactly WHAT IS AXE?

As a highly allergic type, my dauther's fingers when polished or using polish remover almost killed me. And Axe sounds ever so much worse. So, what exactly is it for? Smelling horrible or a skin tanner in a bottle? Great post, sorry I don't know a thing about Axe but then I do not have a son. Your younger son sounds so adorable. He cannot tell a lie!
Oh, right... Aqua Velva. Now THERE's a scent! :)

PS - full disclosure here, my lover-man has used Axe several times. Ugh. I notice that it's been absent for a (blessed) while... Maybe there's hope.
Oh Sweet Jesus, you had me worried right to the end. _r
Very well written! Honestly, I thought it would be a gun until the final reveal!! Nicely suspenseful.

I have 2 teenage sons who like Axe, but I was the one who picked out the varieties that they use. Some of their friends have the more aggressively-scented versions, which are difficult to tolerate. It gets worse: one of their friends prefers to skip all fragrances except the natural odor of days-unwashed teenage male. So, when any of these young men have been hanging out with my sons at our house, I break out the scented candles once they are gone.

My sons wear Kilo, Clix or Phoenix... those are the only Axe varieties my nose could endure without shutting down. You have my sympathies, Lisa!
mamoore - Sounds like you're being proactive with your 11-yr-old. Once they start on the nasty stuff, it's hard to quit.

Smithery - I'm laughing at the image of Axe as an air freshener. It's like saying that eau d' litterbox is a fine perfume.

Roger - Trust me, those scents have nothing on Axe when it comes to nastiness.

Mrs. M - I'm pretty sure that's on there somewhere as a black box warning.

Skeptic Turtle - It's entirely possible he's trying to kill me. He's tried it before!

A R - Fortunately, I haven't smelled Drakkar Noir. Yes, I'm extremely happy about that fact.

1_IM - Oh my gosh, you made me nearly bust a gut laughing!

FusunA - I can't imagine being surrounded by 30 teen boys wearing Axe. I always thought that teachers were severely underpaid but now I'm sure of it.

Owl - I just hope he keeps it in the car.

Lorraine - Thank you!

Bonnie - Thanks. They do keep life interesting.

Sheepy - Now what have I done to you to deserve a lifetime supply of Axe in my house? Is your collar too tight? Do you need a flea bath?

JK - I'm thinking of putting a warning label on his car window.

mypsyche - Thank YOU so much for stopping by.

Eva - Twinkies are frightening but at least they don't smell bad. :)

Trig - You're right; it IS a weapon. In fact, we could end both wars right now just by replacing all bombs with canisters of Axe.

Ann - Oh I would have loved to have read that! Thanks for sharing my misery.

Leonde - You're right. I just think it's so funny that Evan thought the Axe was worse than all of those things I named.

Rita - I hear you. There are many things in a teen's life about which "don't ask, don't tell" applies.

John - Thank you! I'm so glad you enjoyed it.
Loved it! Rated!
(I am a HUGE fan of Evan's, you know.)
bluesurly - Thanks for the kind words!

Dr. Spud - Amazingly, no women are flopped all over the place like in the commercials. you think those Axe commercials could be lying?

Deborah - Yes, I think they do just market Axe to teenagers, specifically male teenagers. There's got to be a scientific reason for why the teen males love the stuff but the rest of the world thinks it's awful.

sweetfeet - Thanks for checking out the earlier post, too. :)

Donna - I think that's exactly it. If you were to analyze the chemical components in Axe, they are no doubt ones that only the young male population finds enjoyable.

Gwendolyn - Thanks!

Maria - Your comment made me laugh out loud. :)

ocularnervosa - That's my hope exactly.

mynameise - Can't forget good old Aqua Velva. I remember my dad complaining that it used to sting badly.

LandP - Yes, I'm going to tell him. I think he'll get a chuckle out of Evan's dramatic reaction. Besides as long as he keeps the Axe in his car, it's OK with me. It's his lungs that will suffer, not mine!

Leeandra - You have my sympathies, you poor girl.

ttfn - Thank you. XOXO
High Lonesome - I'm surprised that you lost the wireless signal at such a crucial time in the game. I always thought that God was a basketball fan, didn't you?

Steve - Your "circling the drain" comment cracked me up! By the way, Ryan's car is 16 years old, and only cost $4,000. He worked two years to be able to buy it. Of course, now it's suffering from Axe-inhalation, which depreciates its value even further. :)

Verbal - :)

Wendyo - You are fortunate that you do not know what this stuff is. Axe comes in different scents and different types (body wash, shampoo, and body spray). Boys use it like cologne, to make themselves smell "good" (I use that term v-e-r-y loosely, by the way.)

WalkAwayHappy - You said it! I was totally freaked out worrying about what Ryan might have in his car that's harmful. When I heard it was Axe, it was a funny relief.

mynameise - Your man uses it too? It's an epidemic!

Joan H - Sorry to worry you! That's how I was too; worried until Ryan told me what it was. :)

Za Za Cat - Unwashed male teen ... now there's a raw odor! I can't speak for the other Axe scents, but the one that Ryan likes, Instinct is nasty beyond all nastiness. Good on your sons for staying away from that one.

Trauma Queen - Thank you! I'll let Evan know that he has a fan. :)
Not sure if you've seen this yet but, yeah.

Too bad they're not as good with fragrance as they are with wordplay.
My 10 year old son is already into Lynx body sprays - that's just as bad as Brut 33 isn't it?
Kasey - That was a trip to watch! At first I thought it was a spoof, but no, it's really from Axe. I have to give them credit; they know exactly how to reach their intended market of teen/young males.

Lorna B - Oh no. Body sprays for tweens? Now I have something else to worry about. Thanks for the heads up. I'll start working on Evan now.
Yike! Kudos to him for leaving it in the car. I'm so curious about this smell I'm going to have to smell it at the store. Sounds godawful.
angrymom - Try it if you must (it's called Instinct and is supposed to smell like "leather and pepper." Right.) but don't say I didn't warn you.
Oh, dear God! I am my son's supplier of Axe body wash. I am my own son's pimp! The shame!!!!
Nah, it doesn't work. I teach teens and as they overdose on Axe spray I haven't seen any girls throwing themselves at the kids. Mostly what happens is teachers get asthma attacks.
V. - Your pimp comment cracks me up! At least you can choose a scent that's tolerable, right?
Hahah! Axe in general, and THAT Axe in particular, are a dangerous vice, I´m afraid... What a funny post, thanks!
Marcela - It's always a delight to see you here. Thanks for stopping by.
Your post had me in such suspense I laughed aloud in relief at the end. Your son sounds very sweet.
I just went back and read the back-story... And I'm still laughing out loud about "You want to smell like you're cooking your couch?!"

Thanks for this! Happy Day to you and your family!
Leah - Thanks for your comment. I was beginning to think that I was the only one who didn't know how this was going to end!

JulieShanti - I'm so glad you enjoyed it. :)
My heartbeat kept getting faster as I read this story and I burst out laughing at the end. You're a splendid writer.
liquid - Thank you! You're so kind. Evan had my heart beating fast when he was telling me too.
(Originally Posted On Open salon - Editor's Pick)

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