Monday, June 25, 2012

Caution: Birthday in Mirror is Larger Than it Appears

MARCH 27, 2009 8:54AM

Caution: Birthday in Mirror is Larger Than it Appears

RATE: 75
I'm not quite as perky as these flowers but I make a hell of a lasagna
It’s my birthday tomorrow.  I’ll be 46, starting the official downward slide toward 50 and my AARP card.
Being nearly 46 has brought me many surprises, not all of which are welcome ones. 
For example, I used to have an outstanding memory.  I could remember everyone’s birthday without having to write it down.  I could recite every phone number I’ve ever had and recall specific passages verbatim from books I’d read years ago. 

These days, my memory is like that cruel neighborhood kid who loves to play pranks on me.  I can be absolutely certain that I put my cell phone in my handbag only to discover after hours of searching that I actually put it in the refrigerator.  At least the cell phone fared better than the cheese I’d put in my purse.  And oh, the lists!  They’ve become necessary as breathing for me.  If I don’t write it down, it doesn’t happen.  Consequently, I have lists and reminders all over the house.
The further indignity of growing older is revealed when I look in the mirror.  I notice little lines appearing around my lips, seducing my lipstick to make a run for it.  I swear they weren’t there yesterday.  Ditto on the facial hair; where did that come from?  It’s Mother Nature’s cruel joke that she’s decided to give me facial hair in seemingly random places at the same time she’s taken away the up-close vision that I need to actually do something about it. 
Middle-aged-close-up-vision-itis is diagnosed when you discover that your arms aren’t long enough to allow you to be able to read comfortably without requiring a friend to hold your book on the other side of the room. For birthday #46, I’m forced to confront this issue as I’ve begun experiencing eye strain.  Since it’s my birthday, and I’m such a reckless party girl, I spent a few hours yesterday being fitted for bifocal contact lenses.  Yes, bifocal,which no doubt must be Latin for “can’t see shit up close or far away.” 
If it weren’t enough that my memory, my face, and my eyes have all decided to turn on me, my hair has apparently decided to go rogue without asking my permission.  It’s like an unruly teenager, basically doing what it wants without logic or explanation.  Most days, I have to ground it and take away the car keys in order to be able to look halfway presentable.
Below the neck is a whole other issue.  When I lie on my back, my breasts appear determined to race in opposite directions in order to meet one another behind my back (I think the left one might be winning.) 

Even my hands are changing; the skin on them is getting drier and thinner. Thanks to my middle-aged vision, I frequently misjudge when I’m grabbing for things in the bathroom and end up scuffing my knuckles on the edge of the cabinet.  My hands look like they belong to an old lady who works as an auto mechanic.  Not a pretty look.
While I’m celebrating these middle-age milestones, excuse me while I mourn a bit for the loss of my metabolism.  It’s evidently taken off and left me for a younger woman.  In my late thirties and early forties, I would gain weight from eating a fattening food.  Now I gain weight simply from thinking abouteating the fattening food.  At this rate, I’ll be on the Oxygen Only diet in order to simply maintain my weight.
Then there are the knees.  With all of their assorted creaks, pops, and cracks, they sound like they’re working on creating their own horror movie soundtrack. 
In spite of these alarming changes to my body, not everything associated with getting older has been unpleasant.
Enter what a dear friend of mine refers to as “Forty-Year-Old Balls.”  FYOB is that miraculous ability to calmly say no to requests to which you typically would have felt pressure to say yes in the past.  No, I cannot drive a carload of second graders on the field trip to New York City.  No, I cannot sell 500 boxes of Boy Scout popcorn.  No, I cannot make a gluten-free, sugar-free, dairy-free, and peanut-free medieval Beef Tart the week before Christmas.  
Regardless of the lack of mercy it shows to our bodies, the advent of middle age brings a renewed awareness of self.  It helps us realize that our time is better spent in ways that we choose, rather in those ways that others choose for us.  Thanks to my FYOB, I’m no longer anyone’s doormat.
In entering my late forties, I find that I can more easily find my gratitude. Having lived this long, I’ve seen enough to know that things can always, ALWAYS be worse.  My hair is unruly?  At least I’m not bald.  My teeth aren’t as white as they used to be?  At least I still have them.  Memory’s not as sharp?  God bless the inventor of Sticky Notes.
So maybe turning 46 isn’t as scary as it seems.  After all, I’m still healthy and vibrant and fun, with an increased sense of my self and my goals.  In fact, thanks to FYOB, I feel as if I’m more together now than I was in my twenties. 
Happy Birthday to me!  Now where did I put that pack of Sticky Notes?

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In October 1995, when I had just turned 50, I met my true love, the love of my life, the man meant for me for all eternity. He was 34. Look at my latest blog post; he is reading to our grandson. I was in New York; he was in London. The five-hour time difference was a far bigger problem than the 16-year age difference. Someone always had to be up in the middle of the night. If he came to America, he gave up having children of his own. On the other hand, by September he will have 4 grandchildren at age 48. I am the luckiest woman in the world. Also, I am every age.
I wasn't supposed to laugh at all of those things was I? OOOPS!!! Lisa ~ despite your hairy chin and veiny hands, can I just say that I absolutely LOVE everything about you and remember it's what's on the inside that counts ... you know ~ like irregular periods and psychotic mania ~ the things that really make getting older fun for your family as well as yourself. Aging is certainly the gift that keeps on giving!

Happy Birthday!
Very well done, Lisa. I just hit 50. 46 was a milestone for me, as well, given that my father had died at the age of 45. As my older brother said to me on my 46th birthday in a drink and dial dialog, "Congratulations, kid, you out lived the old man. The way I look at it, we're both playing with house money from here on out."

I'd like to tell you the slide abates, but I suspect that would be a lie.

Life: the only thing we know for certain is that no one gets out alive.
Happy happy birthday and many more! I love birthdays even if they aren't mine. It's like your own personal holiday. Live it up and drink moonshine.

I'd bet you anything that your hands are much prettier than mine. I just got moved into the auto shop at work and I fix cars for real. I love it but am scraping my fingernails away from all the grease and oil.

I bet your memory is still outstanding and I think it's perfectly fine to have bad hair days as long as you declare to everyone who will listen that your hair is merely having a party on your head.
Happy Birthday, Lisa. The flowers are lovely and the post is your usual great stuff. You're just hitting your stride, and despite the obvious manifestations, your heart and mind will only grow better. And btw, turn those numbers around and you'll understand why some of us think you're a young 'un, and someday you will understand.
I joined the "Club of 46 year olds" (with all of the membership bonuses you so comprehensively outlined above) last December. A hop-skip-and-a-jump from 50 is what my baby sister (still in her 30's) said to me. Nice. But you are oh so right...with age can come gratitude and that is what I try to focus on a I slather on my wrinkle cream. Happy Birthday!
More practically--
I joke that as long as I can remember google, I am fine.
Librarians don't remember things; they remember where to look.
Develop routines--for example, I never ever ever take the keys to my daughter's apartment out of the bag I take to the city. I put them back in my bag the second I walk in the door. Always return your cell phone and/or land line to its permanent place. Remotes can never leave the coffee table.

I am very curious about your experience with bifocal contacts. A few years ago i was told they weren't good enough, and I should stick with monovision--a different prescription in each eye.
Once I let my hair turn silver, I decided that calling everyone sweetie in the most loving voice imaginable was the way to rememer their name. No one has ever objected.

I have never remembered more than about six phone numbers and I can't get my grandmother's and mother's phone number out of my head. I use T Mobil and have fave fives with pictures.

Memory ebbs and flows. Being bipolar probably is a plus. When up, my memory improves dramatically, including high school latin. I figure it is the opposite of my dad's Alzheimer's Disease. Music, smells, light at different times of year, returning to your old haunts can bring memories cascading back. Old pictures are important.

Since my parents are dead, I concentrate on remembering the things only I know. My younger brothers are always emailing me for family information past and present. As the matriarch, I have recently realized that I need to develop my storytelling talents, storytelling that involves imagination, not memory. I love the idea of my great great grandchildren telling a famly story that I created:)

I have never spent a second mourning my lost period. I don't even remember it:)

Happy Birthday to a lucky girl born in the spring.
That was entirely hilarious and scarily true. I finally found my own keys inside the leftover Chinese food bag in the back of the fridge and my lipstick in the mailbox.

Wait...I was going to say something, but it slipped my mind...
Oh yeah, happy, happy and many many more. :-)
Happiest of birthdays, Lisa!

(thumbified because I have all that stuff and I'm not 46)
I really love the term FYOB. I turn 44 this year, and have noticed - for the first time - that I really can say no when people ask me to do something. Amazing, but when I don't make 4 dozen cupcakes for the choir sweet shop, someone else actually bakes! When I don't chaperone the field trip, some other mom cranks up their Suburban and drives! The world does not stop spinning! Think how tough I'll be now, with the knowledge of my FYOB! Loved the medieval beef tart line. Very funny post.
Well this was a fun look in the rear view mirror of my life! Personally the 40's were usual the alternative is not an option, so have a great birthday! Beautiful flowers too!
Thank you for joining my birthday party!

Redstocking - Congratulations on finding true love! That's a elusive goal at any age. I love how you say, "I am every age." Instinctively, I know what you mean.

Mother - Oh yes! I forgot about those ever-enjoyable mood swings that I get to share with my family. Those are the best!

Geoff - Wow, are we related? I have that same kind of mortality in my family. It's hard to not think about it so I like your idea of "playing with the house money from here on out."

Jess - You're desperate to take away my tequila and make a moonshine drinker out of me yet, aren't you? I'm so jealous that you actually work on cars while I merely look like I do. I think you might be my husband's dream girl.

Lea - If I can grow older half as gracefully as you have, I will be a happy woman indeed. You're my role model! XOXO
Happy Birthday and love the 40s. After awhile, you will stop looking at yourself in the mirror. Once in awhile when I do catch a glimpse of myself, I don't recognize the old woman in the mirror! It's what's on the side that counts.
Too fast with the mouse--I meant "It's what's on the inside that counts."

Also, I love those flowers--look like spring!
Oh, Lisa. Let me introduce you to my little friend -- the 10x mirror that you stick on your bathroom mirror so you can see to put on your eye makeup! Reality though is that, IMHO, the best is yet to come. Sit back and enjoy the ride. And I hope you have a marvelous birthday.
Another thing about your aging process: it seems to be making your writing soar.

This was well done---funny, realistic, funny and true, true, true. I know that I'm repeating myself, but hell, I'm 10 years older than you---so cut me some slack.

Now, what was I saying? You are who, again?

Loved this, Lisa.

Happy Birthday, you spry young thing!
Happy Birthday. Hilarious musings. You and my wife are the same age. You are only as old as you feel. I'm checking into the retirement home at noon.
mamoore - A fellow club member! We can be fabulous and grateful together. :)

Redstocking - Thanks for all of the useful, inspiring advice. (I love the "sweetie" one - brilliant!) About the bifocal contact lenses, I was told that they are currently only for people at the very beginning of their middle-aged-vision-itis, but they're likely to add stronger prescriptions with time. I opted for them anyway because the brand I tried is THE most comfortable contact lens I've ever worn and with the sharpest vision, too. I've always had to sacrifice either comfort or vision in contact lenses until last year when I opted to just wear glasses. Maybe by the time I'm 47, they'll have added a stronger bifocal prescription (fingers crossed!)

TrudiJo - Bwahaha! Lipstick in the mailbox! I so feel your pain.

Jodi - Thank you for the birthday wishes. You can be an honorary member of the 46 Club if you want to be. :)

Annette - That's it exactly. We don't have to save the world all the time. If we say no once in awhile, others will step up to do their share (as long as it doesn't involve laundry or school projects. No one ever volunteers for that stuff.)

Buffy - You do not look at all like the 40s are in your rear view! Thank you for stopping by and for the birthday wishes.

Joan - I feel like a vampire - I try to avoid that mirror! :)
I promise you girl, it gets better. The older you get the more permissions you give yourself. In my early forties my then husband told me I needed to join a 12 step program to learn how to say no. I finally got it. Learning how to say no is a good thing. So is learning how to not finish a book or turn off a movie or go to bed before ten o'clock. And fifty is the new fifty, I promise. Also, try the contacts that have one near and one far. I did that for awhile and then got the lasik surgery that way. Voila! No More Glasses. And I agree that 10x mirror is great for facial hair (but terrible for seeing those lip lines:)) Dry hands? Lotion before bed each night.
That is all the "woman of a certain age" advice I have. But do remember, the alternative to having birthdays is....well, not very attractive, especially when one still has children in the house!

Happy happy happy birthday, girlfriend.
The happiest birthday that I've ever had was when I turned fifty last August! I can't exactly explain why, I guess I thought it beat the alternative, I was feeling hopeful and happy (still am). I am one half a century old!! What a milestone! I can relate to your missive about the unavoidable downside to aging, but this truly is the most exciting time of my life and it will be of yours too. I love the's begin to worry less and less about what other people think. How liberating! I hope that you have a wonderful birthday tomorrow and I adore your lovely bouquet!
As long as my husband wants to make love to me at least once a day, I only look in mirrors with my glasses off. I thought my grandmother was absolutely beautiful and she basically washed her face, combed her hair, and put on some lipstick. I love my silver hair and how much attention it gets. I might be the only woman in Manhattan wearing some red, with a red backpack, and long straight thick silver hair. I have been asked often for the name of my hairdresser.

I was videoconferencing with my daughter and my six month old granddaughter. She repeatedly kept trying to grab my hair on the computer screen.
Happy Birthday, Lisa. Personally, I love getting older. It takes a lifetime to learn that most of what we fret about is really just crap anyway--time to move on.
Can so relate. I'll be 60 in June and look back on 46 as the days of my youth.
Great big Happy Birthday!!
Happy Birthday, fellow 46-year-old!

It is wonderful that, in spite of the skin on my neck starting to look like crepe paper and the deepening parenthetical lines on the sides of my mouth, I feel more confident in myself than ever.

I think we're both pretty hot.
According to my co-worker, my muffled snorts and guffaws sound like a person who is choking. There's nothing worse than trying to stifle your laughter in the workplace than having a coworker come running into your cubicle to give you the heimlich while you're doing it.

Happy Birthday!
As a fellow 46 year old, I can relate to pretty much everything you said. And I didn't try to muffle the sounds of my laughter from my co-workers while reading this; I laughed right out loud and read my favorite parts to them, especially the breast race and the Latin definition of bifocal.
Happy birthday! I have a lot of "favorites" on OS these days, but you were the first one to ever comment on anything I wrote, and you've been supportive with my "mother" issues, so I'll always be partial to you.

Hope it's an awesome day :)
Getting older has its quirks. Reaching fifty is a breeze, but enjoy your forties. Happy birthday tomorrow.
Funny! because it's all so true. I love "FYOB" - never heard that. I can tell you there's something even stronger: Fifty year old balls. I got them last year and I'm a powerful force now. Next stop: Post menopausal zest! I hear that one's a corker.
Fab Forties! Bifocals! Celebrate! I need bifocals too but I figure if I put off getting them I will bask in a little denial.
You're a youngster! Just wait until your periods start visiting like Jehovah's witnesses. Just when you think you have finally gotten them to leave you alone, they show up all over again! Happy, happy birthday and congrats on the cover and EP! What a nice bonus gift! Rated.
This is such a masterpiece! From the clever to the hysterical all in one beautiful arc. Fabulously observed ironies. (The not having close-in eyesight to manage new grooming necessities had me spinning).

And the wise human part of you comes beaming through, too. Just loved this. Loved it.

Happy, happy birthday, Lisa.
Happy Birthday fellow sufferer! (So THAT's what my tits have been trying to do...!) having crossed this marker in February, so far.. I have to say it hasn't been much worse than 45. Courage!

If we don't like getting old, it beats dying in your 30's, right? =o)
46. That's nothing. I mean, I married my most charming husband when I was 49. He was 29. Or was he 28? Am I 51 now? I think so. I think he's going to be 31 this year.

This is what happens. The memory goes first. But it's okay, because by the time we get this old, we've learned how to fake it pretty well. Having a memory, that is. Or did I just imagine that?
"a gluten-free, sugar-free, dairy-free, and peanut-free medieval Beef Tart"
ye gods, does such a thing exist?
happy birthday, lisa! ::raising glass in air:: here's to having a sense of humor and BALLZ!
Happy Birthday! Look forward to 50, that's the age when women
finally figure it out (studies have shown!)
All of a sudden you'll know what you're talkin' about!
Happy Birthday!!!
Gurrrlll! 46 is not that old! Madonna got her AAPR card last year. She still rocks! You will rock at 50 as well. Keep the good work & happy bday!
And I just had a "48" post. Nope, we're not old yet :-)

Happy B-day!
And many more, Lisa! You are wonderful!
Lisa, i´ll be 42 this winter and I already experience some of the "surprises" you mention, the good ones and the not so good ones. Happy birthday, enjoy it with friends and family, make a party and dance, eat and drink accordingly!
Happy Birthday - I'm 2 years older and won't tell you what more you have to look forward to. But just to be clear [& this is for me too] we're only middle-aged if we plan to live to 92 so I don't even cling to the middle-aged moniker anymore. Sorry to be a buzz-kill. Rated.
FYOB is a keeper.

And 100% congrats on your birthday. I turned 41 a couple of weeks ago. I've been reading so much political stuff lately that all I could think of was "It's my Geo. HW Bush birthday...." which is totally pathetic.

As Bette Davis said on one of her films, "There comes a time in every woman's life when the only thing that helps is a glass of champagne."
46 is NOTHING, my dear. From that picture on your avatar, you still qualify as a babe. You don't KNOW old...just wait till you hit fifty! (Though there are certain plusses -- for example, your vision will get SO bad after awhile, you won't even be able to SEE those pesky wrinkles, or the mustache, when you look in the mirror...)

Anyway, Happy Birthday! No 25 year old could write with your kind of wisdom and humor, so who cares about skin tone? Now go have some fun with your hubby and enjoy what's left of your hormones.
Happy Birthday, Lisa!! I promise, it only gets better!!
Great post and happy birthday, Lisa! Everything you say is true, and then some. Apart from the sagging, hairiness, forgetfulness and wrinkles, getting older does give you the freedom to be YOU. Sometimes it's pretty, sometimes it isn't, but at least it's authentic. I love my 50-year old balls!
god, your writing just gets better and better. this is so freaking funny and true. my late husband called my mind a steel trap or CPU, now it's more of an aluminum sieve. i'm luck if i remember my cell phone at all. i love that you gave us the good stuff too. the ballsy thing and the knowing who you are. you are a master at this. it's so very cool. i am, as we know, one big part giant asshole, and will never stop being sorry. happy advance birthday and huge love and gratitude for being such an extraordinary person and writer. it's a pleasure.
Ohhh- this is classic. If it makes you feel any better, Lisa- I'm in my thirties and I can't remember shit. My knees creak and pop too. And I think I'm verging on legally blind. Weeee!

I love the bit about bifocals and stinky cheese in the purse with cell phone in fridge. Yup.

And here's to not being anyone's doormat- I'm still working on that. Cheers and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!
Happy Birthday!

You do not look 46. At all.

And for what it's worth, I'm 28 and have veiny hands, a moustache (God bless the Nair wax strips!), the only birthdays I can remember are my own and Jesus Christ's, and my hair and I never have been of the same mind.

So, reasonably, you can just claim to be 28 with 18 years experience...
Julie - Since you are one of the coolest people I know, I'll take your word for it that it gets even better. About the I really want to see my face in 10X magnification? Hmmm...that's a toughie.

m.a.h - My gosh are you good for my ego, girl. And you called me young! Thanks for helping to make my birthday so special.

Kind of Blue - Retirement home? Hardly! Aren't you around the same age as your wife?

Lisa SW - Thank you for the advice, although I truly don't believe that you are any older than I am. Regarding the Lasik, I'd love to have that done if I had the money, but then I worry that I'll be skeeved out by watching it. Do you actually see the laser coming at you? I've worn glasses since I was 6 and contacts since I was 9. Oh, to be free of both of them!

onecorgilover - Wow! What an inspiring comment. Maybe 50 isn't anything to fear after all. I do feel that even if the exterior of my "package" is breaking down in some ways, the interior (where all of the good stuff is!) just keeps getting better and better.

Red - You are lucky to have the silver hair. My paternal grandmother has the most gorgeous silver hair. I hope I inherit it!

FromtheMidwest - I agree. The best part of aging is realizing how much of what I used to worry about is completely petty and not worth the energy.
Damn Lisa. Don't post this stuff on a Friday. I read the line about the breast race to your back and blew wine out my nose.

You owe me!

Rated because I'll smell wine all night.
I have no idea what you're talking about. I turn 46 this year, and I'm smarter, sharper, faster, stronger, more charming, and better looking than ever.

Happy birthday! ;^)
Happy birthday, Lisa! Awesome post! Reading others' wise and humorous observations here about about being, um middle-aged, is entertaining and reassuring. We are not alone!
Happy Birthday! I'm also 46 -- and glad to have made it ;0) When you are 100 this age will seem so young to you.
I'm a month away from 47. I think that's the real "slide toward 50 and the AARP card." On April 25th I will officially enter my late forties. Blech! I've been taking belly dance classes and am planning to make my belly dance performing debut on my 47th birthday. Am I nuts? Maybe...but my belly dance teacher is a good ten years older than I am (and looks her age) but she still performs. I perform as an actress/singer and performed as a modern dancer in my twenties. And now I'll perform as a belly dancer...

Because I'm an ex-dancer, I have the daily exercise habit. Because of that, my body is still (relatively) youthful. Nothing really sags and I'm still agile and flexible. That said...I totally get it about the Middle-aged Metabolism. Even with extreme dietary discipline, I seem to maintain a constant ten pounds overweight. If I actually ate what I wanted, it would be twenty.

Vision: I have to take off my glasses to read and I can only tolerate contacts for a couple of hours at a stretch now (when I used to wear them from wake-up time until sleep time, every single day). Now I only wear them for performances and "dress-up" occasions. And I can't read with them on, so have to carry magnifiers.

What was the Nora Ephron book? "I'm Unhappy About My Neck?" From the chin up, I could pass for 28. But my neck skin is getting slightly loose (enough for me to notice, though my husband claims he doesn't). When someone takes my picture, I try to stretch my neck out as much as possible. SIGH. My beautiful, ballerina neck; what happened?

Well, life happened, I guess. My mother always reminds me that getting older "beats the alternative." I guess she might be right (at least so far) but I have yet to find the compensations that all the positive thinking sorts talk about.

I will say that I agree about the attitude change, though. I call these the "take no s--t years." I don't put up with bull or with any sort of disrespect anymore. I bloody well haven't got time to waste on it!

By the way...Happy Birthday to you! May you have joy in it, and a blessed New You Year.
Sharon - Thank you! I appreciate your good wishes. :)

Jeanette - Oh the crepey neck! I never had issues with my neck, but then this morning, after I posted this, suddenly I caught a glimpse of my neck slightly turned and there it was. Maybe I never saw it before without the bifocal contacts. Meh, least I have a neck, right?

LandP - Thank you, my friend! You're helping to take away my 50-dread. XOXO

Shaggy - The heimlich? Oh no! At least they didn't leave you there to "choke" to death, right?

Arizona - Yay, another 46-club member! I'm so glad that you were able to laugh at my post. What would we do without humor? Thanks for joining my birthday party.

Jen - Aw, you are so sweet! Thank you. My birthday party wouldn't be the same without you.

Mr. Mustard - Thank you! I appreciate you stopping by. :)

Silkstone - Oh my - Fifty-Year-Old-Balls. I can only the way, I spit my tea out over "postmenopausal zest." Bwahaha!

JK - Happy belated birthday! Please don't jump out a window; I would miss you.

Stellaa - The fifties are sounding better all the time. :)

Brenda - Bifocal denial is pretty much was I engaging in all of last year. Thanks so much for stopping by.

cartouche - You're scaring me with the Jehovah's Witness periods, but I'll forgive you because you called me a "younster." Yeah, how about that cover? Surprised me!
Happy Birthday, Lisa! As the saying goes—the only thing worse than growing old is not growing old. And from out here on the net, you seem to be keeping up as a member of the community just fine, so count that among your successes too... the Open Salon treadmill certainly isn't a site for the faint of heart.
What beautiful flowers. Didn't read all the comments so may be repeating some here, but what a good attitude you have, and right on to the FYOB (in my case 50-year-old balls, they come in handy regardless). I cannot remember names to save my life and I've found apples in the freezer that I don't remember putting there. I don't think we need any of us be alarmed by these types of things. Call it FYO who cares anymore. Happy Birthday!
Oh! I forgot to ask you to read my blog entitled: "Middle-age is like dying from hypothermia". Thanks for checking that out! :)
Definitely rated! As a 47-year -old, You nailed this one perfectly - especially "things could always be worse" that's my mantra.
David - I adore you; you're always so kind! I'm glad you could share in my birthday party.

Shiral - another club member! We can compare results in the boob race. By the way, I remember your birthday post with that pretty beach-scene cake. Birthdays definitely do beat the alternative.

Monique - You vixen, you! Snagging a younger man. He must be a smart one, too, to realize that us forty-somethings have got it all going on. About the memory, I tell people that my brain is a Commodore 64 and I have to wait for DOS to boot up. :)

Dharma - I haven't checked with LuluandPhoebe, our resident gluten-free genius, but I can't believe a gluten-free, sugar-free, dairy-free, and peanut-free beef tart would be easy to construct. I Googled what a beef tart was (because I Google everything!) and decided to use my FYOB to just say NO. Aw, the freedom in those two little letters!

Dakini - So at 50 I'll have it all figured out? But will I still e able to remember where I put it? :)

Zoetina - Thank you! By the way, could your avatar possibly be any more darling?

Z - You make me smile. Thanks for the good wishes!

Cherie - Oops! Did I miss your birthday post? I will check it out. You're right; we're still pretty happening, aren't we?

Annimal - Aren't you sweet! Thank you. XOXO

Marcela - I know I'm poking fun, but so far, my forties have been great. Just being more relaxed with everything , especially myself, has been such a gift. And speaking of gifts, those FYOB are a gift that just keeps on giving!

Deborah - You're not a buzzkill. Maybe I'm not middle-aged if I plan on living to 140. Geez, I'm still a young thing!

Critical Path - Thanks for the Bette Davis quote. Any opportunity to work in additional celebration is worth it. That's sad about your HWBush (#41) birthday. Maybe, as Leeandra suggested, you can look at it as 21 with 20 years experience.

Laurel - You're another one I'm going to pay to give me compliments every day; you're better for my mood than Prozac. Thank you for coming to my birthday party and for your very, very kind words. XOXO

Janie - I'm still debating about that 10x mirror, though...maybe there's some things I'm better off NOT knowing. :)

MAW - No way are you older than me! Thanks for the birthday wishes.

Emma - Yes! I've never felt more authentic nor more comfortable in my own skin.

Teddy - Thank you! If anyone knows humor in the face of adversity, it's you. Thanks for coming to my party.
Juli - Don't worry about the doormat part. I swear, it's like someone flips a switch when you turn 40. It's definitely something to look forward to.

Leeandra - Thanks for the compliment but I am really going to be 46 tomorrow. I love the idea of referring to it as "28 with 18 years' experience." Youthful, but wise!

Mark - oh dear! Wine out the nose burns! Plus, it's a waste of a good wine. So sorry about that. I do appreciate you stopping by my party, though.

Benjamin - Welcome (soon) to the 46-club! I do feel like I'm getting better on the inside; the outside needs a bit more support...or spandex and wrinkle cream.

Nelly - Oh we are far from alone. I, for one, appreciate being in such great company. :)

Dorinda - I know I was poking fun here, but every birthday is such a gift. I hope to be trading stories with you when we're both 100. XOXO

Eva - Thank you for your great comments! I want to learn bellydancing, and it's cool to hear that you're taking lessons. I figure I've got the belly, might as well use it. :) With your experience as a dancer, you're going to positively Wow them. Also,
I read that Nora Ephron book about four years ago. I couldn't relate to the neck thing then, but then today, I could see a bit of crepeyness. I hope I can greet my crepey neck with at least half as much humor as Nora does. Thank you so much for your wonderful comments, and especially for New You Year. LOVE THAT!
Kent - Aw, thank you! You've become one of my absolute favorites on here and I feel lucky to be able to share the same cyberspace with you. Many, many thanks.

latethink - I'm laughing with you about the apples in the freezer. I think we could do an Open Call about the most outrageous things we've found in our freezers. Wouldn't that be fun?

Deborah - I'm writing a Sticky Note to remind myself to check out your post. :)

Bluesurly - I agree. Nothing beats a little bit of perspective. Thank you for stopping by.
46? Puh-lease. You're still a hot chick. Complain in 10 years and I might listen.

Happy Birthday!
Hey, I thought *I* was your role model! Oh that's right, you forget things now... S'oaky, I'll play second fiddle to Lea any day.

And you, Young Lady, are still a young broad. Keep on enjoying and bringing us the joy of your talent and grace.
Many good birthday wishes to you. I hope you have a lovely day.
Rated because my birthday is also March 28.
Happy Birthday then, Somyr! =o)

Lisa, I told some (impertinent infant)friends in their thirties that I was in myextremely late teens, last week.

This week I happened to be eating lunch with 29 and 30 year olds and almost snorted water out my nose when one said wistfully "I was ALMOST born in the 80's..." They were wondering morosely if there was life after 29. I got up from that lunch table feeling ANCIENT. Why couldn't I have sat at the table with all the people discussing their retirement plans, instead? =o)
happy happy joy joy!!! as one who turns 49 on monday, i wish you the happiest of birthdays, fellow aries--
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! This is how I look at it. God didn't use Moses til he was 80, so girl, we've still got PLENTY OF TIME!!!! And yes, I believe we get more fabulous with every year (even if it's more fabulous aches and pains :0) hehehehehehe... ENJOY YOUR DAY!!!! :)
Happy Birthday, Lisa! You're just a baby and the best is yet to come! This is the way it is: "Everything slows down with age, except the time it takes cake and ice cream to reach your hips."

The flowers are beautiful. Have a great day!

the 50's are young thing.......
Duaneart - Anyone who says I'm a hot chick is alright with me. Thanks!

Sandra - Muchas gracias! (dusting off some brain cells here...)

Sally - Ha ha! I feel like a man who's been caught cheating! You KNOW you're my girl, right? XOXO

Somyr - Happy birthday to YOU, fellow March28er, fellow Aries, and fellow Hermit Crab owner. :)

Shiral - Aw, did choose the wrong lunch table! That's OK. They have no idea that the best years are yet to come.

Mistercomedy - Another fellow Aries! Thanks for the good wishes ala Ren & Stimpy. :) Happy birthday to YOU as well on Monday.

Screamin mama - I like the way you think. And we ARE fabulous! Thanks for coming to my party.

Pamela - Thank you! The flowers were from my birthday last year, but of course, I can't remember if they were from my husband, my sister-in-law, or my boss. For fun, mouse over the photos; I always include a fun message with my photos which appears when you move the cursor over them. :)

Gary - are you the sweetest man in the world or the next-to-the-sweetest man in the world? Thank you!
Damn! I tried it and nothing happened. The rats must have attacked my mouse!
Happy Birthday, Lisa! Eat all the lasagna you want today.
Pamela - Don't click on it; just position your mouse on the picture.

Coyote - You figured it out! Thanks for the birthday wishes. :)
Happy birthday, darlin' and many more. I'm giving them up after this one. For one thing, I'm not sure how I got to be older than everyone else - my doctors, my neighbors, my friends, my accountant and most everyone on this board. Second of all, I don't feel good, although this might change. Third of all, a big birthday always invites a tally and mine isn't so great: haven't attained peace, prosperity, stability, a sense of accomplishment, kids or grandkids or a community, although this one might work out (hope, hope). On the other hand, I've got a bitching sense of humor...
PS - I just read the comment below - okay, Redstocking, YOU give me hope!
Don't worry, Lisa. The battery lasts longer in the fridge. Happy Birthday!
Whether or not you can see it or remember it, your writing gets better every day. Happy, happy.
Not to worry. Fifty is not so bad, as I discovered last year. It's 51 that I dread ;)

Feliz Cumpleanos!
Every word here is SO gut wretchingly true! Our solution has been to ban the word birthday. (Yeah I know it''s lame---but it somehow works) So Happy Lisa Appreciation Day!
1WomansVu - Hey, that bitchin' sense of humor counts more than five of those other things, so you're in good shape. Regarding the community one? I suspect that you'll find you've nailed that one, too, since you've stumbled upon OS. Thanks for stopping by!

Pete - Thank you. :)

Steve - Thanks - I'll just tell everyone I purposely put my cell phone in the fridge to save the battery. Brilliant!

Jimmy - You always lift me up with your words. Thank you.

Susan - It's lovely to see you. I'm laughing at 51 being the birthday to dread. :)

Roger - Thank you for joining my little birthday, oops, Appreciation party.
Funny and delightful!

Happy birthday to you!
Look at how many folks turned up to wish you well!
You must be one helluva gal!
Happy Birthday, Friend.
A woman like you only improves with time!
Lisa - happy happy from a friend who is the same age, and feels pretty much the same stuff.
Happy Birthday Lisa! Today we made you Number One in the Village!
It was my 50th birthday present to myself and cost less than I thought AND insurance covered part of it! AND it is good for life (write me). It is over so fast you don't have time to be "skeeved." Promise. I wore glasses from age 8 and contacts from age 14 and remember wishing that One Day they (whoever they were) would come up with an operation to fix eyes. And Voila! THEY did. When the doctors did it and I looked around for the first time I said "SHIT!" and docs, who had done 10,000 procedures, said it was the best reaction they had ever gotten:)
I do love the way you write and look forward to a similar post from you when you turn 55:) By the way, great title.
Happy Birthday! I turned 46 at the beginning of February and I felt the same way about it, the downside toward fifty! Not much to be done except gather our weapons and fight the good fight. I have redoubled my efforts and am determined to do the 10k step thing. Now that the weather has turned for the better there is no longer an excuse.

And though I have yet to experience one I intend to call hot flashes power surges...
Happy Birthday, Lisa! Thank you for a funny post and coining that great FYOB acronym, it's a keeper! I've got it on a sticky note here on my comp- oh no, that's a shopping list, wait a moment.... Hmmm, is age catching (up with me)?
Denise - Thank you!

O'Steph - This has been an amazing birthday. I am overflowing with gratitude toward all of the people who've wished me well and joined in my little birthday party. I feel like the luckiest person alive! Thank you for your kind words, my friend. XOXO

Dorelvis - Another 46-club member! There are an awful lot of us. Those 20- and 30-somethings should be extra nice to us.

Prisoner - Thanks! When I first read your comment, though, the first thing that came to my mind was that I was the Number One Village Idiot, which could be true, too. :) It's all good!

Lisa - We definitely need to chat!

Roger - I am so glad to see you! I promise I'll write a 55 post when I get there, just for you.

Ablonde - Another 46-club member. We're taking over! I hear you about continuing to fight the good fight. Of course, we're getting better with age, so we will power surge through our fifties and beyond. Thanks for coming to the party!

Psychomama - Oh Geez, you sound like me with the lists and Sticky notes. They are my life. FYOB was coined by a good friend of mine but I'm sure she'd be pleased to have you use it. :)
I have no idea how I missed this post but I did. I am going to blame it on my age! Mea Culpa!!!!!!!!!

In any case, Happy Birthday to one of my favorite people on the planet. You have been a fun and caring friend since the day I set foot in OS (is it possible to set foot in OS?) Anyway, you know what I mean. I am delighted that you got so many comments and well wishes, because if anyone deserves them it is you.

Let's spend this next year of your life kicking up some dust and telling it like it is, which, in spite of popular misperception, is not half bad. Like you say, "it could be worse." A whole lot worse, and even sort of demanding a permanent change of address, and we are just getting comfortable on this little blue and green ball with the while top and bottom that was so nicely placed her for our care.

Monte - You're a dear, dear friend. We will definitely kick up some dust and live completely out loud in the next year. Thank you, as always, for being so kind, gracious, and supportive of me. XOXO

Steph - No worries...those FYOB will definitely find you when it's time. Hopefully the boob races won't! Thank you for your lovely words. :)
Happy Birthday Lisa and remember...the 40's are the new 20's!
Mary - The 40s may be the new 20s but my metabolism and eyesight never received the memo. :)
sorry, it took me a while to get over here. i hate stampede's. it was well worth the trip, like always, though. i love your outlook.

what i hate is the hair growing from weird spots on my ears.

and the rogue hair? no one told me about that. gray, i expected. losing it, not so much, but the crazy tufts sticking out in every direction? weren't the first two enough?
Cap'n - You made me laugh about the rogue hair! I'll bet the look works for you and you're just being modest. :)
This just popped up in the feed--had to check it out!
Very clever! Hope your birthday was great!

spotted mind - Wow, this popped up in the feed five months later? The OS gremlins must be at it again! Thanks for taking time to read and comment. P. S. I've always meant to tell you how much I like your name. Way cool! :)
(Originally Posted On Open Salon - Editor's Pick)

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