Like many of us in this area, I'm trying to make sense, if
that's even possible, of the brutal murders this week of an entire family. I'm
trying to understand what would motivate someone described as "a nice guy
who would do anything for you" to kill the mother of his children, her
mother, her grandmother, her sister, her brother-in-law, their fourteen-year-old
daughter, and leave their seventeen-year-old son critically wounded and
fighting for his life.
As a further thumb of his nose to his family and our
community, this deranged killer took his own life in a peaceful wooded setting
that clearly didn't deserve to be blighted with his darkness. If this was to be his chosen end, couldn't he
have just killed himself first and avoided all of those other horrific steps?
I keep thinking about the victims and how they probably went
to bed Sunday night like the rest of us, taking for granted that life would
continue on the next day as it always has.
The adults may have been thinking about what they'd have to do the next
day at work or what still needed to be done in preparation for the Christmas
holiday. They might have left dishes in
the sink and grocery lists on the fridge.
The kids were probably thinking about upcoming finals at school and
getting together with friends over the winter break. Did they ever suspect that there'd be no next
day, no Christmas, no winter break?
No future?
With one man's sick and twisted decision, an entire family
is eliminated. Just like that, three
children are orphaned. Just like that,
life stops.
My youngest son attended kindergarten with fourteen-year-old
Nina Flick. Her smiling face and
ponytails live on forever in their class photo on my bookcase, so full of
promise and innocence, unaware of the horrors that would eventually befall her
If there is any wisdom to glean from this tragedy, perhaps
it's to serve as a reminder to the rest of us of how quickly life can
change. In one maniacal moment, all that
we know and love can be snuffed out.
When you think about it that way, what's really important in our lives
rises to the top of our consciousness and lesser things fall away.
These days, I hold my own kids tighter, getting in one last
squeeze before they pull away from me to go to bed or leave for school. I'm so very grateful that they are here with
me and safe, their lives a brilliant promise ahead of them.
Perhaps by simply living our lives, and doing our best to
love those around us, we can most appropriately honor those who were taken from
us too soon.
I encourage all of us
to begin.
**For those interested
in helping, a fund has been established
by Univest, WordFM, and the Rotary Club to benefit the surviving Stone and
Flick childre. You
can go to to make a donation
or send checks payable to Univest Foundation with “Stone & Flick Children
Fund” written in the memo line. If individuals wish to direct donations to a
specific child, they can include their name in the memo line. Checks should be
mailed to Univest Foundation, 14 North Main Street, P.O. Box 559, Souderton, PA
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